About Us


Building a One Earth Community


Ecogenesis is an organization that aims to empower individuals and groups through education, training and action (application). Its mission focuses on:

  • The environment
  • Local Communities
  • Farmers
  • Indigenous People
  • Youth
  • Women & Children
  • Churches & Schools

It is concerned with health and the environment.


It is committed to the empowerment of individuals and local communities who face environmental issues.

It seeks to help preserve cultural and religious (spiritual) values and indigenous earth wisdom.

It provides, through scholarships, individuals and/or members of organizations who share similar mission and goals the opportunity for training and education. (Cf. SERVICES)

It promotes a wholistic and integrative spirituality and a mission that focuses on the care of the environment.

It promotes the vision and mission of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si (Care of the Earth, our Common Home) and of the United Nations’ Earth Charter Initiative (building a One Earth Community).


[Home] [About Us] [Goals] [Statement] [Ecogenesis Farm] [Permaculture] [Sweet Potato Project] [Benefits] [Eco-Villages] [Thomas Berry] [Solar Energy] [Services] [Donation] [Contact]


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The ARPIN GROUP is the organization that helped fund the installation of our SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. For more information on their work, please visit their web site.

Arpin Group

The GLOBAL INSTITUTE FOR TRANSFORMATION (GIFT) helps establish and maintain organizations with similar goals. It has a world-wide scope and targets developing countries. It donated seed money to halp us start a sweet potato project. Visit their website.

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Interested in SOLAR ENERGY system? Visit SOLARIUS ENERGY web site. This is the company that installed our OFF-GRID SOLAR ENERGY system and SOLAR PUMP.


Lions Club


LIONS CLUB in  Spenard   (Anchorage, Alaska)

ROTARY CLUB                          Homer, Ketchikan, and Anchorage (Alaska)

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We made a 3-minute video clip about our work here at Ecogenesis Farm and Training Center. We sent it to the ROTARY  CLUB  in thanksgiving for their support. Since then, The LIONS CLUB of Spenard in Anchorage, Alaska has also donated funds for our project. Watch the video: A  LINK to a short video clip